I am what many would call, a rare breed! An original Washingtonian (DC) who grew up in the shade of the White House…literally. My Dad was an Executive Assistant to President John Kennedy.
Often the question comes up…how did you get to Montreal? My first, flippant answer is: The Beltway to 95 North. Both my parents are Montreal born. Dad having dual citizenship at the time moved to Washington. And that’s where my three siblings and I were born and raised. Montreal visits and vacations were always a part of our lives.
I had 2 passions growing up: sports and radio. Sports because I was my older athletic brother’s shadow in everything he did. Radio because it brought music and the US into my bedroom. I loved my music. I lived for it. On Sunday nights when DC radio went off the air at 10, I could tune in to Chicago and New York. That was very cool.
University eventually brought me to Montreal…a musician made me stay. (Isn’t it always a musician!?) Following a long winding path of varied, sometimes dangerous experiences, that same brother reminded me of my passion for radio. As he put it: I’m driving down 16th Street (DC) and hear this woman on the radio who sounds just like you and talks about all the crap you like to talk about: movies, entertainment and celebrity gossip. RADIO...remember? It was always radio for you. My god was was right. I dropped everything, went back to school and somehow finagled an internship at CFCF Radio in the newsroom.The rest of the story is timing, hard work, passion, some talent and luck.CFCF Radio led to CFCF (CTV) TV to some film work and back to Radio.
Today, over 30 years of on-air experience has me well placed for the next stage in my career: voice work in all its forms…Animation, gaming, walla, narrations (really good at narrations!) With a strong intuitive sense for timing and a quick study on whatever is thrown at me…not literally. My upbringing gave me a strong background and experience in US Politics. My broadcasting career has taken me around the world (Travel, Travel) my TV & Radios shows allowed me to interview politicians, actors, fascinating people from all walks of life.
Montrealers know me…trust me. As I have never tried to be what I am not on the air. What you see/hear is what you get. I’m a mom with 3 daughters. I am a faithful friend. I play well with others. Right now, at this stage, you get one of the most experienced, professional voices in the country.
Not too shabby.